Are You A "Sitting Duck"?

Small businesses are under attack. Right now, extremely dangerous and well-funded cybercrime rings in China, Russia and the Ukraine are using sophisticated software systems to hack into thousands of small businesses to steal credit cards and client information, and swindle money directly out of your bank account. Some are even being funded by their own government to attack small, virtually defenseless businesses.

Don't think you're in danger because you're "small" and not a big target like a Target or Home Depot? Think again. 82,000 NEW malware threats are being released every single day and HALF of the cyber-attacks occurring are aimed at small businesses; you just don’t hear about it because it’s kept quiet for fear of attracting bad PR, lawsuits and data-breach fines, and out of sheer embarrassment.

In fact, the National Cyber Security Alliance reports that one in five small businesses have been victims of cybercrime in the last year – and that number is growing rapidly as more businesses utilize cloud computing and mobile devices, and store more information online. Quite simply, most small businesses are low-hanging fruit to hackers due to their lack of adequate security systems.

As a local IT support company, we work day and night to protect our clients from these attacks – and unfortunately we see, on a regular basis, hardworking entrepreneurs being financially devastated by these lawless scumbags. We are determined to WARN as many businesses as possible of the VERY REAL threats facing their organization, so they have a chance to protect themselves and everything they’ve worked so hard to achieve.

duck-imgFree Report Reveals The Critical Protections Small Businesses Need Today

It is our company’s mission to stop cybercrime, so we have put together a FREE Executive Report titled “7 Urgent Security Protections Every Business Should Have In Place Now”. This Free Report Outlines 7 Most Critical IT Security Protections Every Business Must Have In Place Now To Protect Themselves From Cybercrime, Data Breaches And Hacker Attacks.

Download your free copy of this Executive Report to discover:

  • The #1 threat to your business that even the BEST firewalls and antivirus software can’t protect against.
  • The biggest security risks with cloud computing and what you need to do to stay safe if you’re going to store client data, confidential data and financial information in the cloud.
  • A common misconception about business bank fraud that will shock you – and 3 simple things you can do to protect your bank account from unauthorized access and theft.
  • How to keep your network secure with the proliferation of mobile devices, cloud applications, e-mail, and social media sites connecting to your computer network.

To Download Your Free Copy Today,
Simply Fill Out The Form on This Page
Or Call Us At 866-558-1411

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Syscom helps me sleep at night, I no longer worry about my systems being safe and protected. Before Syscom we just relied on a company that we called when we needed them.

I could not afford to do what they provide if I hired my own person. We are now tackling items ahead of them being a problem for our business.

Jeremy Rumble CEO
Zormot International
Grand Rapids, MI

The IT support business is a thankless endeavor.  The best-case scenario is when your clients aren’t thinking about you at all, because everything is working fine.  If you are top of mind for your clients, it’s probably because there are problems.  To their credit, Syscom is rarely on my mind.

Prior to engaging with Syscom, we had an earnest and competent IT support person.  They were attentive to problems, and responsive to our requests.  It wasn’t until we were engaged with Syscom, however, until that we realized that we really didn’t have a vision or a plan for our information and technology needs.  Syscom gave us a comprehensive IT support team, as well as a complete hardware, software, and security structure.

We went from a varied and somewhat haphazard investment and IT experience to a consistent, planned environment with a high level of hardware and software performance across the organization.

The cloud solution that we already had in place was easily transitioned to the remote work experience when 2020 hit, and despite an unbelievable surge in demand and change in scope for their services, we were quite quickly equipped for the entire organization to work remotely.  It was a remarkably achievement in a short time under extremely trying circumstances.

Michael DeBruyn President
Great Lakes Stainless
Traverse City, MI