Syscom helps me sleep at night, I no longer worry about my systems being safe and protected. Before Syscom we just relied on a company that we called when we needed them.

I could not afford to do what they provide if I hired my own person. We are now tackling items ahead of them being a problem for our business.

Jeremy Rumble CEO
Zormot International
Grand Rapids, MI

The IT support business is a thankless endeavor.  The best-case scenario is when your clients aren’t thinking about you at all, because everything is working fine.  If you are top of mind for your clients, it’s probably because there are problems.  To their credit, Syscom is rarely on my mind.

Prior to engaging with Syscom, we had an earnest and competent IT support person.  They were attentive to problems, and responsive to our requests.  It wasn’t until we were engaged with Syscom, however, until that we realized that we really didn’t have a vision or a plan for our information and technology needs.  Syscom gave us a comprehensive IT support team, as well as a complete hardware, software, and security structure.

We went from a varied and somewhat haphazard investment and IT experience to a consistent, planned environment with a high level of hardware and software performance across the organization.

The cloud solution that we already had in place was easily transitioned to the remote work experience when 2020 hit, and despite an unbelievable surge in demand and change in scope for their services, we were quite quickly equipped for the entire organization to work remotely.  It was a remarkably achievement in a short time under extremely trying circumstances.

Michael DeBruyn President
Great Lakes Stainless
Traverse City, MI

Our prior IT service provider was much smaller than Syscom. From a customer service perspective, they provided a lot of hand holding, did a lot of things behind the scenes, and they catered to our needs. Back in the day, our technology needs were met at the time, and it was a perfect fit. We had our main point of contact we could call, which was great. However, if he was not available it was a challenge for immediate support because others did not know our systems as well as he did.

With Syscom we now have a team of people who know our infrastructure. This has become increasingly important to us in the ever-changing landscape of technology to be able to run our company quickly and more efficiently. The team at Syscom works with us to address our growing concerns of cybersecurity threats, remote workers’ IT needs, and our desire for real-time support to address any of our users’ IT issues. Thanks to our new team at Syscom, it means we have more checks and balances in place than ever before.

We are no longer reliant on just one key IT person. Since the change, we now meet quarterly with a team, and those quarterly meetings have been very important to us. During those meetings, we can understand what work has been completed and what items we should be thinking about to better position ourselves into reducing risk and improving productivity in our business. Meeting regularly has allowed us to budget and plan for improvements, which removes much of the surprise you can experience with technology.

As our clients establish technology requirements to do business with them, we feel more prepared than we ever have done to serve our clients.

Kathy Rejc HR Manager
Cole Carbide Industries Inc
Lake Orion, MI